BOOKING APPOINTMENTSWe are excited to introduce Medeo Health Online Booking! When you sign up for Medeo, you can book your next appointment online PLUS....
Next time you speak with a receptionist, let us know your email address and we can send you an invitation Call: 250.339.2266 In order to ensure your appointment is booked correctly please make sure to inform the receptionist of any of the following:
BC Services Card ready as we will need your Personal Health Number (PHN) HOLIDAY HOURS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comox Medical Clinic will post all Holiday hours here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please check this page closer to the date of a public holiday FAMILY DAY LONG WEEKEND Saturday February 15 CLOSED Sunday February 16 CLOSED Monday February 17 The Clinic will be closed. But our phone lines will be open from 9:00AM - 11:00AM We will resume regular Clinic hours on Tuesday February 18 at 8:30AM PRIVATE PAY FEESComox Medical Clinic follows the guidelines of the British Columbia Medical Association when setting their fees for privately paid services. Here is a list of services that are privately paid by the patient:
CANCELLATION POLICYPlease provide 24 hours notice if you are unable to make your appointment. A fee may be charged for insufficient notice or missed appointments. FLU SHOTSComox Medical Clinic will not be hosting Flu Clinics Vaccines are available from your pharmacist. Check with yours for availability to receive your flu shot. PRESCRIPTION RENEWALSIn order to facilitate in the care of your prescriptions, we ask that you give adequate notice when running low on your prescriptions. You will need to book a telehealth appointment with your physician to have your prescription refilled. Your physician may charge a fee for the service of last minute requests for phone in prescription renewal. Please allow sufficient time when calling the clinic for a renewal. |